Year 6 and 7 Camp-out

The weather never fails to disappoint when it comes to our annual camp-out on the school field. After weeks of dry weather, the heavens opened around teatime and we endured hours of heavy rain and high winds. Despite this, our intrepid campers managed to put their tents up and survive the night. We enjoyed a tea of chicken nuggets and sausages with chips from the Woolsery Fish and Chip Shop (Thank you – they were delicious) in the yurt. After tea we toasted marshmallows over the camp-fire and made them into “smores”, which are melted marshmallows sandwiched between 2 chocolate digestives.

Next it was time for our night walk to go bat hunting. We walked along Muddy Lane, but, alas, the bats were eluding us, probably due to the heavy rain. Nevertheless, we carried on through the dark night, our torches lighting the way. Once we arrived back at the yurt, hot chocolate was waiting for us, before we made our way to our tents to go to bed. It was a wild and windy night, which made it all the more exciting as the tent poles buckled under the strain of the high winds. Only tent one succumbed, beginning to collapse to the shrieks of the children inside! (Sorry Woolsery if we woke you up-well it was 5:30am!)

After a breakfast of toast and chocolate brownies (I think we deserved them…) we packed up and the (damp) children made their way home. Thank you everyone for your excellent behaviour and resilience! We’ll try again next year…

Thank you to Mr Cole, Mr Whitefield, Mr Pennington, Mrs Kersey, Mrs McGuire, Mrs Rhodes and all the parents who helped us. Thank you Mr Sanders for the logs!

7 responses on Year 6 and 7 Camp-out

  1. Hello Woolsery!! Thank you to Miss Butler, Mr Cole and Mr Pennington for the idea of coming back to share our first week of secondary with all of our old friends. It was a great idea and I think It worked well, even if we got little to no sleep, quite a surprise about how many people went home but there you go! Really fun going on the night walk and using Miss Butler’s bat detector (even though we only heard one or two bats!), once again, Thank you for doing the camp out!!

    Baz :P

    1. It was lovely to see all the year sevens again. In glad you enjoyed it. No think we’ve just about dried out now!

  2. We had a great time! Thank you, Miss Butler, for organising everything (except the weather) for us.

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