Updated Information for Parents ahead of wider re-opening on 1st June

Dear Parents,

Following the release of further guidance for Early Years from the Government at lunchtime on Sunday 24th May, we have had to update our plans for re-opening on 1st June. We have also had lower parental uptake of places than we originally planned for so have consolidated our bubble groups to take account of this.

Please read the following guidance carefully as much of it will have changed since I last wrote to you. Please accept my apologies for having to make these changes, but we are trying to keep up with an ever-shifting position to ensure the school’s provision -both on site and remotely- is the best it can be for your children.

A major change is that because we have reduced our number of Bubbles, staff will be working a 2-week rotation so will be able to continue to support remote learning as we have been doing so far this term. I know this will be a huge relief to many parents who were concerned over the necessary reducation in quality of our online learning programme to faciliate re-opening.

Bubble Groups

We will now have three bubble groups in the school from 1st June.

  1. Sunflowers Bubble– all children from Sunflowers and Reception. Sunflowers Bubble will be staffed by (Week A) Mrs Oyarzabal and Mrs Monk, and (Week B)  Mrs Phillips and Mrs H Harding, with Mrs Fisher redeployed from the school kitchen to cover MTA duties.
  2. Burscott Bubble– Y1s who were in Burscott Class or in Cranford Class at the time of closing will now be in Burscott Bubble. This will be staffed by (Week A) Mrs Kersey and Mrs Nicholls, and (Week B) by Mr Davies/Mrs Dobson and Mrs Eavis. Mr Pharaoh and Mrs Van Santen will be Mealtime Assistants attached to Burscott Bubble.
  3. Kennerland Bubble– Kennerland Bubble will be formed from our Keyworker families and Year 6 and will be based in Alminstone and Stroxworthy Classes. This will be staffed by (Week A) Mrs Farmer and Mrs Newell, and (Week B) Miss Butler and Mrs Appleton. Mrs C Harding and Mrs Todd will be Mealtime Assistants for Kennerland Bubble.

Site Access

Burscott bubbles will access the site from the bottom playground gate.

Sunflowers and Kennerland bubbles will access the site from the normal entrance in Old Market Drive.

In order to comply with DfE guidelines, parents will not be admitted onto the site and handover will take place at the school gates. This will be a massive change for us as we have always welcomed parents on to the site whenever possible, but the DfE are very determined on this point. It is very important that whilst you are waiting for drop off that you maintain a 2m social distance and signs have been put up to help you with this. Only one parent from each family is permitted to drop off/pick up to reduce crowding at the entrance points. Year 6 children should travel to and from school unaccompanied. Your children will be handed over to staff they are familiar with but please prepare them for this change in handover, particularly for the younger children, for whom it may feel very strange.

Routes into School

From the playground, Burscott Bubble will enter the school through the white playground door as normal. They will now be using the former Cranford Class cloakroom before heading to Burscott Classroom.

Sunflowers Bubble will use the normal path to Sunflowers from the pedestrian gate on Old Market Drive.

Kennerland Bubble will also enter the site from Old Market Drive and will use the rear door to the school, next to Alminstone Classroom.

Drop Off and Pick Up Times

We are obliged to stagger drop off and pick up times to avoid crowding at school entrances. Please read this information very carefully as this information has changed since the last edition:

Sunflowers Bubble – Drop Off: 9:05 – 9:25am; Pick Up 2:50 – 3:10pm 

Burscott Bubble – Drop Off: 8:55 – 9:10am; Pick Up 3:00 – 3:15pm

Kennerland Bubble – Drop Off: 8:45am – 9:05pm; Pick Up – 3:10 – 3:25pm

We are also obliged to continue to give teachers their planning preparation and assessment time. however, under the Bubble arrangement we cannot use other staff to achieve this. in common with most other schools, therefore, we have decided to close the school at lunchtime on Fridays. Pick Up times on Fridays will therefore be:

Sunflowers Bubble – 12:00pm

Burscott Bubble – 1:15pm

Kennerland Bubble – 1:15pm

Play Areas

Sunflowers Bubble will use their own outdoor play area.

Burscott Bubble will use the school playground.

Kennerland Bubble will use the car park as a temporary playground

If the weather allows, the school field will also be used, but this will be strictly zoned so that different Bubbles don’t come into contact with each other.

Other things

All children attending the school must bring a named drink bottle. School will not be able to supply drinking cups for any children, even at lunchtimes, so this is extremely important. I cannot stress enough that for your child’s safety, their bottle must be clearly named.

School Appearance: Please prepare your child for the fact that the school will look very different from when they last saw it. All non essential furniture has been removed and is being stored in the Hall under cover or in the former Burscott/Stroxworthy cloakroom. Displays, window sills and storage units have been cleared. the library has been reconfigured to provide a new working space in case demand increases in the future. This has left the school looking quite empty, but please explain to them that this is to make cleaning easier and to keep them safe. School will also feel very different with around 10% of our usual numbers attending but staff will do everything they possibly can to make the transition to these new arrangements as easy as possible.

PE Kits should not be brought to school. Children will do PE in their uniforms and all PE activities will be non-contact.

Lunches will be provided by the school (see below) or your child can bring a named packed lunch. Booking for lunch will be via Tucasi only as parents will not be allowed on to the site to post slips, nor will children be allowed to the office to deliver them. Lunch will be eaten in their Bubble Group classroom with their Bubble Mealtime Assistant. Sunflowers Bubble children are all requested to bring a packed lunch as we will not be making school lunches available to Preschool.

Snacks: The NHS Free Fruit scheme for infants will not return until September so your child is encouraged to bring a healthy snack each day. This must be named clearly and must not be shared with others.

Possessions: Children should bring as few possessions with them as possible. In line with DfE guidance, use of own pencil case equipment will not be allowed and must be left at home. We will not be sending reading books home. If the sun continues to shine, it is important that your child brings their own named sunscreen in as we will not be able to apply a centrally held lotion to your child.

Hand Sanitiser will be used as everyone arrives on to the site, and throughout the day. Handwashing will be frequent and all classrooms have been supplied with a closing-lid bin for used tissues.

Contact We have increased the number of phones for you to reach us on as we’re aware that not coming on to site may be difficult. In addition to 01237 431307, you can call

  • 07936 302435
  • 07849 173885

and speak to the Office staff.

Lunch Menu

Please remember that children in Sunflowers (except Reception children) and in Kennerland will need to pay for their meals via Tucasi. The cost is £2.25 per meal.

Main Option Vegetarian Option Dessert
Monday Pasta Bolognese and Garlic Bread Cheesy Pasta Bake Ice Cream
Tuesday Roast Chicken, Roast Potatoes and Vegetables Spiced Lentil & Bean Patties Flapjack
Wednesday Sausage and Mash Vegetarian Sausage and Mash Cheese and Biscuits
Thursday Ham & Tomato Pizza and Garlic Bread Cheese & Tomato Pizza and Garlic Bread Jelly
Friday Fish Fingers, Chips and Peas Vegetable Frittate, Chips and Peas Fruit Salad


Teachers will be planning a bridging curriculum to take your child through the seven weeks up to the end of this extraordinary school year. However, the emphasis will be on teaching and learning and trying to close some of the gaps which will have emerged since lockdown began. We will do as much outside as possible in order to further reduce risk but this will be predominantly learning based.

Teachers will also link up with class members who aren’t attending school in weekly assemblies via Google Meet. Staff who are having to work away from home will also keep in close contact with children who are also at home. Teachers will continue to set remote learning for all children and this will continue in its appearance to what your children have become used to over the past nine weeks.

Further Changes

I fully expect this picture to change multiple times as we move through June and July so please keep in touch with us.

If your child is in an eligible year group to return and you would like them to do so (but have previously indicated that they won’t attend) please remember to give us as much notice as possible as a large change in child numbers may well promopt further changes to the structure described above and we will need time to implement those changes.

Thank you for your ongoing support and understanding.


With best wishes


Matt Cole, Headteacher

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