Woolsery Primary School: Science

Woolsery Primary School’s approach to Science


We aim for all children to develop curiosity and a sense of excitment in science. All children will be taught essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science outlines in the National Curriculum and EYFS curriculum. This will build into secure knowledge to help the children understand more about the world around them.

Through our carefully planned curriculum, children will build on their skills and knowledge to ensure that they are prepared for the next stage of their learning.


Teachers will plan science using our 2 year rolling programme of science content.

Science will be taught either in blocks or in weekly lessons, depending on which makes best use of learning time and first-hand learning opportunities.

Children will be taught to correctly use appropriate scientific vocabulary when describing their scientific enquiries and knowledge.

Children will apply skills from across the curriculum in their science work (for example, artistic skills when creating detailed diagrams; maths skills when interrogating or representing data)

Children will explain their understanding, observations and knowledge in full sentences, either orally or through written work, in line with our Oracy expectations.

The 2 year rolling programme can be found in outline here: Science Curriculum Rolling Programme

and detailed outcomes are planned here: Progression and impact map V6


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