Science At Bristol!
Posted on February 6, 2015 | By Mr Cole | 5 responses
Aliminstone and Ashmansworthy Classes had a fantastic day exploring the At Bristol science centre…
The children had a fabulous taught workshop on forces and magnetism.
And also explored the amazing hands-on exhibits which related to every type of Science you could imagine!
We also had a visit to the Planetarium and enjoyed a fascinating talk on the Earth’s place in space, our Solar System and the Stars.
The children are following this visit up with English and science learning back at school, where they will be talking and presenting lots of the things they discovered.
it was great i had so much fun but got a bit wet with water from the wheel
Wow ! Looks like you all had fun.
This trip looks amazing! I wish i’d had school trips like this! Awesome. :)
Great day !!
love it 1000000000000% out of 1000000000000%