Archive | Orleigh Class

Christmas came early to Buckland Brewer School

Dave Watson and the Buckland Brewer church community brought the story of the first Christmas to the whole school today by organising stations for each part of the nativity story.  The children really enjoyed the interactive parts, ask the children their favourite parts….

We had great fun at forest school. We laid in sun under the beech tree looking at the shadows. We made bug leaves and had a visit from stick man and leaf man.

Appledore Book Festival author visited all 3 schools in the partnership

One of Appledore Book Festival organisers, Judi Unwin, kindly organised an author to visit each of the 3 schools and they fully funded this exciting event. All 3 schools thoroughly enjoyed his interactive stories and saw his huge range of books.  Year 1, 2 and 3 children will be given their very own personally signed […]

Tythecott and Year 1s tennis

This morning, Tythecott and Year 1s from Orleigh learnt lots of new skills with Lottie from ARC Tennis.  We balanced balls on the racket, threw and caught balls and used the net in tennis. Ask the children to show their new skills.

Orleighs summer trip to Burford woods ’24

Today reception and year 1 explored Burford Woods. They had so much fun investigation someone who had gone missing and being detectives to find clues to find the invisible trail on the map. They claimed a bridge then did it blind folded and went on a scavenger hunt..we the had s’mores and hot chocolate. They […]

Health and Fitness in Orleigh

In Real PE today, we have been developing our strength, balance and agility. We have been moving like cats on all fours and discussing the strength and balance needed in our arms and legs to move quickly. In pairs we moved liked cats to collect different equipment to design and make our own pictures.

Science in Orleigh

Science week has been lots of fun! In Orleigh we explored rainbows, investigated colour and enjoyed doing lots of different experiments. Creating a beautiful rainbow wheel with skittles and blowing colourful bubble snakes were favourites!

Eden Project

Buckland Brewer School went to the Eden Project today. What a whistle stop tour it was but we still managed to pack everything in! Orleigh started with Green Machines and Tythecott started with Building Brazilian, whilst Gorwood had free time exploring. Quick lunch. Then Orleigh and Tythecott went exploring whilst Gorwood finished with Darwin Doodles.

Mud painting

In forest we had fun doing leaf rubbings and mud painting. Also learnt three new trees and what seasons are. Had a great day exploring in the sun.

Bugs,gardening and risks

Today was a lovely sunny day. We started off our session with a discussion about risks and how they can take a risk but still be safe. So we talked about the risks in tree climbing then we talked about what safety measures they can pit in place to keep them safe like how high […]

Professional athlete at Parkham School

Orleigh, Tythecott from Buckland Brewer School travelled to Parkham School to take part in the visit from David Hill a professional athlete with Goldworthy, Melbury and Foxdown.  We each participated in a training exercise and then we listened to David’s inspiring story of his life with a Q & A.  What an inspirational man!

Orleigh sharing Assembly

Orleigh shared their learning about the Rainforest with the rest of the school.

Easter visit to the Church

The whole school visited Buckland Brewer Chapel and Chapel to hear about the story of Easter starting from Palm Sunday to Good Friday. The children went into groups and experienced a variety of activities linked to Easter with an Easter egg hunt at the end.  Thank you for everyone involved and our candle now has […]

Buckland Brewer World Book Day

Buckland Brewer whole school (even Mrs Kersey) wrapped a book, thought of some clues and brought some props.   Gorwood photos to follow…… Can you guess our books?

Music Makers comes to Buckland Brewer

This morning Music Makers came to school this morning. They normally meet in Buckland Brewer Chapel but want to bring the community into the school. Preschool and Reception from Orleigh enjoyed using a variety of instruments to sing along with. Ask them which was their favourite one?

Damper bread hotdogs!!!

Today was our last session for the term and orleigh had a great time cooking s’mores and drinking hot chocolate. They then made damper bread for the first time I loved hearing them talking about how the texture and consistency was changing when they added water or more flour they then got to cook it […]

Visit to church

Year 1s from Orleigh class went to St Mary and St Benedict church at Buckland Brewer with Betty and Roger. They looked at all the important parts of a Christian Church which links in with their RE curriculum. I wonder what they spotted? Font, pew, lectern, pulpit, organ, altar, cross.  Anything else?

Piggies, potions and birds

What an exciting afternoon. We had a visit from Horace, Boris and Percy!!! Orleigh had to make a potion to make them big again. They also explored bird watching whilst some made bird feeders. We also had a vote on what version of the three little pigs they enjoyed the most over our last fee […]

A surprise visit from Boris

Orleigh was very excited we had a surprise visit from one of the little pigs today. He needed help with his stick house. They also explored the yurt and saw the first sign of spring with a big patch if three cornered leek growing in the field. They had fun leaf rubbing and had a […]

Horace came to visit.

  We had a great first forest school session of the year. There was loads of new things to explore. But the most exciting thing that happened was we had a visit from Horace who was the first little pig who built his house out of straw. They had so much building their own den […]

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