Archive | PE & Sports

Health and Fitness in Orleigh

In Real PE today, we have been developing our strength, balance and agility. We have been moving like cats on all fours and discussing the strength and balance needed in our arms and legs to move quickly. In pairs we moved liked cats to collect different equipment to design and make our own pictures.

Parkham Sports Day 2024

Despite some rain, the pupils were fantastic at Sports Day. We all completed 10 round robin events, demonstrating our amazing throwing, catching, jumping and shooting skills as we gained points for every event. We then moved onto the track for the long race, egg and spoon, sack race, novelty race and the sprints. The afternoon […]

Sports day 2024

We had a fantastic afternoon for our sports day. After having a picnic with family, the children completed a round robin showing off their throwing, catching, jumping and shooting skills. The children showed great sportsmanship in the races that followed which included the egg and spoon race, an obstacle race and sprints. A huge congratulations […]

Final match of the season

On Tuesday after school, Village Schools had their final match of the season away to St Mary’s. Once again the team played really well, showing great skill and teamwork. But for their goalie who had an amazing game we would have won by more. In the end it was a 3-2 win, with the goals […]

Sports Day 2024

The rain just about stayed away at Sports Day, today. We all completed 15 round robin events, demonstrating our amazing throwing, catching, jumping and shooting skills as we gained points for every event. Just before lunch we enjoyed the much anticipated tug of war, with some fantastic matches between the family groups. After lunch we […]

Sunflowers on Sports Day

Sunflowers were amazing on sports day. They participated in the morning challenges of throwing, kicking and shooting goals! After lunch they took part in the running and obstacle races. Well done Sunflowers!

Orienteering around the woods

This morning all the year 6s from across the partnership came together in Melbury Woods for a morning of orienteering. We split into smaller groups and went in different directions and had to find nine control points hidden in the woods. Using What3Words to guide us from one point to the next, we navigated our […]

A wet afternoon fixture!

This afternoon in the rain, Woolsery played a home match against St Margaret’s. Despite going 2-0 down in the first few minutes, we fought back to 2-2 by half time. With great play from both teams in the poor conditions, it was an end to end game. With some amazing last ditch defending and saves […]

Another home victory

A huge well done to our Year 6 football team who put on their best performance of the season at home to Instow.  Despite a two goal lead they were pulled back by some great play from Instow to 2-2. With some excellent movement and passing, along with super skills and acrobatic saves, we played […]

Year 1/2 tennis festival

This morning, we sent a team from each school to ARC for a tennis festival. All the children did really well, playing lots of games to develop their skills in a different setting. They showed great support to one another and sportsmanship. Well done to all of you.

Year 1,2,3 Sports Festival

This morning, all the Year 1, 2 and 3 pupils from the Partnership travelled to Woolsery for a Sports Festival. Lead by the Year 6s they took part in lots of fun warm up games such as hit the deck, beans and fruit salad. Each Sports Leader then led an activity for the children to […]

Key Stage 2 Athletics Competition

Yesterday afternoon, 32 children from across the Partnership took part in a Key Stage 2 athletics competition against 5 other local schools at St Margaret’s in Northam. Woolsery came 4th overall and Buckland Brewer and Parkham came 6th.  The children were a credit to our schools, supporting not only each other but all the other […]

Football vs St Margaret’s away

After school, the Year 5 and Year 6 boys football teams travelled to Northam for two matches. We were surprised to see two very small goals on one pitch as well as regular goals on the other. Each team played one half on the smaller pitch and one on the regular sized. As everyone was […]

Professional athlete visit

Today, we had professional athlete David Hill come to Woolsery and Parkham schools. David is a Paralympian in two sports, swimming and triathlon and won multiple medals at World and Paralympic Games. He set us 4 one minute challenges to complete; press ups, spotty dogs, mountain climbers and star jumps. It was very challenging to […]

Cricket festival 🏏 at Shebbear College

This afternoon, the Year 5s from across the Partnership went to Shebbear College to enjoy a cricket festival in the sunshine. We were split into eight groups and mixed with children from other local primary schools to take part in a range of cricket activities. This included batting skills, throwing and catching, bowling in nets […]

Working together

Yesterday, Gorwood class used their skills as leaders to teach the younger pupils how to take part in a range of activities. Through great modelling and instructing, they worked well together to explain what to do and gave excellent support and encouragement throughout each activity. Well done to all of you. Also, a huge well […]

Year 2 Tag Rugby

Yesterday, two teams from the VSP took part in a tag rugby competition at St Mary’s School. There were 6 teams who played. This was the first time many of the children played a competitive sport against other schools. Well done to all of you who did really well following the rules and scoring some […]

Football ⚽️ success

A huge congratulations to the Year 6 Woolsery team who won 11 – 4 against Appledore after school. A superb team performance led to some excellent passing and movement from the players resulting in a resounding win. Wonderful defending by Harry, Alfred and Leo along with incredible goalkeeping from Xavier kept the Appledore attack at […]

Parkham Mini Marathon

Today all the pupils braved the cold and the wind as they took on the mini marathon challenge. Before Easter, all the classes practised running 12 laps of the playground culminating in today’s challenge to run 2.6 miles, a tenth of a marathon. Everyone showed superb determination and challenged themselves to go as far as […]

Buckland Brewer Mini Marathon

Today, we took part in the London mini marathon. Before Easter all the classes had been improving their fitness trying to run 12 laps a day of the playground which is equivalent to 2.6 miles a week, the equivalent of a mini marathon (a tenth of the distance of a full marathon).  The children were […]

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