Archive | Gorwood Class

Year 6 treat – Wake Park

The year 6 children had a great time at the wake park on Friday. The weather was amazing and the children got stuck in with the activities

DT – Mayan food

This morning we made flat breads and filled them with different Mayan foods. We invited Tythecott to come and taste them so they could see what Mayan food is like. Everyone really enjoyed it!

DT food tasting

Next week we will be making tortillas for our DT project and using Mayan themed food. This morning we had fun trying out different foods the Mayans would have eaten so we could choose what to put in our tortillas. We tried sweet potatoes, butternut squash, couscous, beans, avocado, cheese dip, pineapple, apple, tomato and […]

Science investigations

Following on from science week, we have been doing some investigations, predicting and making observations to conclude what has happened. We have been making links from our previous learning to help predict and understand what is happening in each investigation.    

Prince and Princess

Charlie and Sophi became this year’s Buckland Brewer prince and princess. They officially opened this afternoon’s fete. They arrived on a very unique mode of transport!

Gorwood Summer Burford woods ’24

We had a great day in the woods, discovering messages hidden, Bridge building and treating Mrs Hanger with first aid. The whole class showed team work, resilience, respectfulnes and kindness. please  

Final match of the season

On Tuesday after school, Village Schools had their final match of the season away to St Mary’s. Once again the team played really well, showing great skill and teamwork. But for their goalie who had an amazing game we would have won by more. In the end it was a 3-2 win, with the goals […]

Orienteering around the woods

This morning all the year 6s from across the partnership came together in Melbury Woods for a morning of orienteering. We split into smaller groups and went in different directions and had to find nine control points hidden in the woods. Using What3Words to guide us from one point to the next, we navigated our […]

Science week – making ice cream

The science behind gliders

Today we continued our science week with another fun investigation. We experimented making straw gliders thinking about different variables to work out which design travelled the furthest. We found the smaller circles tended to work best with our arms provided thrust, the curved surface giving the glider lift, the shape of the circles reducing the […]

Science week – glow in the dark slime

The children loved making glow in the dark slime! This slime uses glue (glow in the dark but normal ova would work), bi carb and contact lens solution. They have each brought a little bit home to play with

Science week – spaghetti bridges

The children were set a challenge to make a bridge out of spaghetti which could hold 500g in weight. They thought about how to strengthen their structures and the different shapes to use. All the bridges could hold 1kg! Some great team work involved in this activity. The children wrote instructions for how to create […]

Eden Project

Buckland Brewer School went to the Eden Project today. What a whistle stop tour it was but we still managed to pack everything in! Orleigh started with Green Machines and Tythecott started with Building Brazilian, whilst Gorwood had free time exploring. Quick lunch. Then Orleigh and Tythecott went exploring whilst Gorwood finished with Darwin Doodles.

Football vs St Margaret’s away

After school, the Year 5 and Year 6 boys football teams travelled to Northam for two matches. We were surprised to see two very small goals on one pitch as well as regular goals on the other. Each team played one half on the smaller pitch and one on the regular sized. As everyone was […]

The Water Cycle

Today in science, we created our own water cycle using plastic bags. We explained each part of the cycle from evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection. In the lesson we also spoke about how we are still using the same water that was used millions of years ago. We have hung our water cycles on the […]

Compass work

This week on our session the children learnt how to use a compass and started with basic map reading skills. It was great to see when they had that ‘light bulb moment ‘and really understood how a map and compass works. They also had some fun with some ropes using them as climbing ropes.

Rainforest Haikus

In English, we have been creating descriptions about the Amazon Rainforest and turning them into Haikus. We decided to present these as tunnel books. The children worked hard to create their books with lots of details and precision and they look fantastic! There are some displayed in the library so please come and have a […]

Gods eye crafts and

This week we were busy planting and digging innthe mud kitchen area. We were also busy making god eyes which are a spiritual and votive object made by weaving a design out of yarn upon a wooden cross. Often several colors are used. They are commonly found in Mexican, Peruvian, and Latin American communities, among […]

Easter visit to the Church

The whole school visited Buckland Brewer Chapel and Chapel to hear about the story of Easter starting from Palm Sunday to Good Friday. The children went into groups and experienced a variety of activities linked to Easter with an Easter egg hunt at the end.  Thank you for everyone involved and our candle now has […]


A huge well done to all the year 5s and 6s who took part and completed the Bikeability course over the last couple of days. Starting on the playground demonstrating your skills before progressing onto the roads to learn about how to ride on the roads safely using the correct hand signals and where to […]

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