Author Archives

Internet Safety Day

Today has been Internet Safety Day.Alminstone have taken part in the BBC Virtual lesson, on internet safety, with a focus on AI. We considered how artificial intelligence is being developed, and focused staying safe online in an AI world.

Alminstone’s trip to Morwellham Quay

What a fantastic day we had at Morwellham Quay on Friday! The sun was shining, as we explored some Victorian workers cottages, smashed up rocks whilst looking for copper and Fool’s Gold, and had an amazing ride on a train into a copper mine. The children were all so well-behaved and did us proud.

Exploring the Victorian Era…

We had great fun yesterday, beginning to explore the Victorians and Industrial Revolution. We tried our had at various things, including building bridges, making paper cup phones, designing machines and looking at some very unusual inventions. We hope you noticed how shiny some of our shoes were, after giving them a good polish!!

Forest Schools and PE

Welcome to the Alminstone 2023/24!! I hope you have all had the most fabulous Summer break. Just to let you all know that we have PE tomorrow, with Mr Davies and Forest Schools on Tuesday afternoon. I’m looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday :-)

Debating the big question…

Today, Alminstone has the pleasure of welcoming Keith (a Humanist) and John (a Christian) to debate the BIG question -Is God Real? We learnt a lot about their beliefs and found that despite their differences about God, both have many similar beliefs that encourage people to be the very best human that they can be. […]

Year 5 Fire Service Visit

We were lucky to have members of the Fire Service in this afternoon, to talk to our Year 5 children about fire safety. They gave an informative presentation about how to prevent fire, the safest way to escape a fire and reminded us of the importance of checking our smoke alarms regularly.

Alminstone at Hartland Abbey

We had such a great day in the sunshine today at Hartland Abbey. Exploring the amazing location, including one of the few temperate rainforests in the world, and enjoying a walk along Abbey River to the beach. The highlight of the day, had to be getting to go on set of the filming of ‘Malory […]

Homework Update

Homework will now be set on Google Classroom. You can submit your homework in via Google Classroom, or if you prefer you can still use your green book.  To log-in to our Google Classroom, you will need your village schools email address, starting with your first name initial and surname e.g.   Thanks for […]

Forest School Reminder

Hello Alminstone, Just a reminder that Forest School will be next Thursday morning, rather than Tuesday, for next week only (2.2.23) Mrs Parkhouse

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