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Year 6 Leavers Assembly

What a wonder Year 6 Leavers Assembly! Buckland Brewer Year 6 pupils shared many memories of their time at primary school and many a tear was shed. Our annual awards were given out across the school by Mr Cole, Mr Watson, Mrs Urquhart and Mrs Kersey. Goodbye and good luck to children and parents that […]


To finish off our French we ordered an ice cream in French. Tythecott did so well with their pronunciation.

Rev. Jane’s Assembly

The whole school enjoyed Rev. Jane’s assembly about coming close to the end of the school year.

Science Open Afternoon

Everyone enjoyed looking around all the work the children have produced. Thank you to the parents who came to look around too.

Orleigh sharing Assembly

Orleigh shared their learning about the Rainforest with the rest of the school.

Orleigh released their butterflies

Everyone went outside to see the butterflies being released. Tythecott enjoyed seeing a butterfly emerge from a cannon. As well as seeing them being released.

Easter visit to the Church

The whole school visited Buckland Brewer Chapel and Chapel to hear about the story of Easter starting from Palm Sunday to Good Friday. The children went into groups and experienced a variety of activities linked to Easter with an Easter egg hunt at the end.  Thank you for everyone involved and our candle now has […]


This half term, they have loved creating images of mountains in Keynote. We have then inputed the image into AR Portal to create 360 images.

Red Nose Day

Tythecott enjoyed dressing up in red today.

Open the Book

Today Open the Book team read the story Praying for Peter. Peter was locked in jail by King Herald. John Mark and others were praying for Peter’s release. God sent an Angel to free him. We had some children help with the performance.


Tythecott and Orleigh have had a great session with Tom as part of tennis super week. They tried some skills and played games. They have all been invited to a free tennis party this weekend. Please see their invites for more details.


Tythecott have been amazing at French this half term. They have looked at colours, recapped numbers to 5 and learnt about superheroes.

Open the Book

The Open the Book team came into tell us the story about a young Jesus.


This week, Tythecott has created Venn Diagrams showing carnivores, omnivores and herbivores. They have used PicCollege to add pictures and labels.

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