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Forest school

Meet the apple club, some of the boys hanging out eating snack together, the children have enjoyed climbing, the mud kitchen, the hammock, and making flags for our next adventure using leaves, flowers and banging them with a hammer between fabric to leave an imprint.   in

Scarf- yoga and calming music

Our scarf lesson today was based around bed time routines and we talk about calming things to do, I mentioned yoga/ calming music the children were interested in what that was so we encorporated yoga into the lesson. The children thoroughly enjoyed engaging it, all had a go and have asked to try it again. […]

Noahs Ark

After learning about Noahs Ark last week we got the children to work as a team to build our own Ark. They built the Ark, painted it then added the ramp for all the animals to get in. When they were safely aboard Mrs. Oyarzabal emptied a water tray towards them to see it was […]

Forest school

For our forest school over the past two weeks we have made head dresses using willow, leaves and flowers, practicing climbing, using the rope swing, exploring the mud kitchen, using saws and hand drills to make bug hotels.

Forest school

We have been so busy at forest school this week role play cooking, pruning, digging, planting seeds and making hearts by knocking in nails using a hammer and decorating with wool.

Forest school

At forest school this week, we made a slide, some dens, used the cargo net with tree stumps to crawl under, made a wool web, did some mark making with charcoal and enjoyed some hot chocolate whilst singing.

Forest school

Our first forest school was great fun we made a bird feeder using sticks, pinecones, fruit, string/wire and bird seed. We then went in the yurt to warm up and enjoyed a hot chocolate.

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