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Stroxworthy Science Week

Last week we enjoyed spending the week creating experiments nad having fun with science. Amongst our experiements were paper rockets, fireworks in a jar and lots of interesting creations linked with our curent topic on plants.

Eden Project with Stroxworthy Class

What an amazing day we had on Friday. We had a brilliant workshop about becoming a Rainforest Ranger and visited the Rainforest Biome to discover items we could use to survive in the rainforest. We then had lunch, then visited the Mediterranean Biome. We had a play in the park then came back to Woolsery […]

Pentecostal bunting.

This term Ashmansworthy class and Alminstone class have been considering “when Jesus left, what was the impact of Pentecost?” To bring this unit to a close both classes designed and created bunting to reflect the celebration of Pentecost for Christians, the end of the Easter season. These are beautiful and can be seen hung in […]

Stroxworthy mark making

Using painting and sewing skills to create a piece of art on fabric, design inspired by Alice Kettle and Hannah Rae.

Stroxworrthy Fossils!

On Tuesday we made a dough from flour, salt and coffee grounds, the class smelt interesting! We then used this dough to create some fossils using various items. They are now drying and you can come and see them on our windowsill.

Rocks! Rocks! and more Rocks!

This term we are studying rocks and fossils. Here are some highlights of our experiments and explorations. We started the term learning about the different types of rocks, then we became geologists and began to identify the type of different rocks in order the classify them into the different types. We drew the rocks, described […]

Stroxworthy Geography – Landscape

In Geography we have been looking at the differences and similarities between The Rocky Mountains and Dartmoor. We then created an example of these landscapes in lego and on paper in beautiful landscape drawings.

Stroxworthy Class Safer Internet Day 6th February 2024

This afternoon we followed a BBC Teach Live Lesson all about Safer Internet Day. We became  digital detectives, exploring the exciting world of Artificial Intelligence and learning how to stay safe online. IMG_0277

Stroxworthy science

More solids, liquids and gases! Today we were exploring gas. How heavy is gas? What does it smell like? Can you squash a gas?

Morwellham Quay for Stroxworthy Class

We had the most amazing trip to Morwellham Quay. We explored the mines on a train, and how people lived during this period by looking and comparing daily living for both the more wealthy and the poor. We also experienced a classroom with a very strict teacher! The children were superbly behaved and a credit […]

Stroxworthy Maths. Rounding numbers.

Today we played a game to round various number to the nearest 10 or 100. . Some of us were challenged further by rounding to the nearest 1000.

Stroxworthy tennis

This term we are having lessons with ARC tennis. The children are really enjoying themselves.  

Stroxworthy Class – Electricity – building simple circuits

This week in Science we have had fun learning the electrical circuit symbols and understanding how an electrical circuit works. From a diagram we predicted whether a circuit would work. We then built the various circuits to test our theories.  The atmosphere was electric!

The Industrial Revolution -What was life like?

In Stroxworthy Class this week, we nave been exploring what life was like during the Industrial Revolution. We tried out the following; Polish your shoes (shoe polish, brushes, cloths). Work out what some strange Victorian inventions are (pictures of inventions). Make a string telephone and try to communicate with someone (string, plastic cups). Read a […]

Fencing taster session – Stroxworthy Class

Well what a way to finish our Wednesday! We had a superb session where   the children experienced all the basic techniques of fencing. They had a wonderful and enjoyable time.

Stroxworthy Visit to the Methodist Chapel, Woolsery

Following on from our visit to All Hallows last week, today we visited The Methodist Chapel to compare similarities and differences in ‘what is sacred’, and how the buildings help Christians to remember the life of Jesus. Rev’d Shirley led us and we discovered many similarities, such as hymn singing (Methodists love hymns and we […]

Stroxworthy Science – Can sound waves travel through solids?

This week in science we were identifying how sounds are made; associating some of them with something vibrating. We recognised that vibrations from sounds travel through a medium to the ear and that sounds get fainter as the distance from the sound source increases. We did this by making and testing out string telephones.  

Stroxworthy Trip to All Hallows, Woolsery

This afternoon Stroxworthy class visited All Hallows church with Rev’d Jane to explore what items are ‘sacred’ to Christians and how a church reminds Christians of the life of Jesus. Revd Jane helped us to understand which items in the church are sacred, their meaning to Christians and how they relate to the life of […]

Stroxxworthy Science Week

Stroxworthy class have had a wonderful time during science week, from STEM challenges to various experiments.  We have been exploring balloon cars, invisible ink, double bubbles, fizzy lava slime and building towers with spaghetti and marshmellows.  

KS2 visit from RNLI – meet the lifeguards

Today we were joined by lifeguards from the RNLI. They helped us to explore and understand water safety. We learned how the lifeguards help those in trouble in the water and what we should do in an emergency.  

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