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RNLI came to Buckland Brewer

This afternoon our local RNLI came into school to discuss the different RNLI flags and what they mean. They discussed what to wear to keep safe in and out of the water. Which flag is safe to swim between?

Our next adventure

Using virtual reality off we go swimming!

Good morning

All the children slept through the night and woke up to this view!


And the final part before sleep… Was there an escaping shark called Jack? And the film, Shark’s Tale, what else could we watch as we sleep under the sharks. Night night everyone.

After dinner

And so the fun begins…. All the members of the public have gone home and we are all alone with our very own aquarium experts. How lucky are we?

More from the workshop

Interactive fun!

Visiting the rock pools

After lunch, we visited the shop to buy whatever we wanted! Then on to the rock pools. I wonder what we can find?

Y3 residential

And we are off.. Time for lunch!

Little people came to visit

Little people had come into the Forest School area and left a surprise for Tythecott class.  Using our gift we made friendship bracelets with our partner.  As a reward to the little people we made them some shelters (including swimming pools and swings!)  After a quick game of one breath dragon game we gathered daisies […]

Charcoal pencils

Tythecott class learnt how to use charcoal to make charcoal pencils to write with.  We improved our knot skills and kept warm with hot chocolate.  Ask them what their favourite part of the afternoon was…..

Buckland Brewer World Book Day

Buckland Brewer whole school (even Mrs Kersey) wrapped a book, thought of some clues and brought some props.   Gorwood photos to follow…… Can you guess our books?

Fossil hunting

Tythecott class made their own fossils out of salt dough using organic materials found in the Forest School area.  They then went on a dinosaur hunt………   I wonder what they discovered?

Bug hotels

Tythecott class had a fun time using tools safely to create mini bug pot hotels. We also made crowns.  Why is it important to create bug hotels in your garden?  

A wet Forest School

Tythecott class had fun in the very wet conditions yesterday.  We used our new yurt to create leaf suncatchers. Outside we planted seeds, played in the mud kitchen and the den, solved the leaf game and drank warm blackcurrant.  Which was your favourite and why?

Music Makers comes to Buckland Brewer

This morning Music Makers came to school this morning. They normally meet in Buckland Brewer Chapel but want to bring the community into the school. Preschool and Reception from Orleigh enjoyed using a variety of instruments to sing along with. Ask them which was their favourite one?

Visit to church

Year 1s from Orleigh class went to St Mary and St Benedict church at Buckland Brewer with Betty and Roger. They looked at all the important parts of a Christian Church which links in with their RE curriculum. I wonder what they spotted? Font, pew, lectern, pulpit, organ, altar, cross.  Anything else?

Really Wild Planet

Tythecott and Melbury went to Really Wild Planet to link in with our science curriculum of animals. What an amazing place to visit!  Which animal had a bath?  Which animal had a wee on the floor?  What is the rarest colour for a frog?  Which was your favourite?

Clay part 4

Tythecott’s final group went to Appledore school to finish their snails. What was their favourite part?  What would they do differently?

Rev’d Jane Hayes visits Buckland Brewer

Rev’d Jane Hayes revisited the story of  Jesus and his birth with a twist at the end.  Ask the children what it was? Rev’d Jane reminded us that Jesus grew into an adult and treated people with kindness and she should do the same.  What kindness can you do to others this week?

Clay part 3

Tythecott class went to Appledore School this morning to see whether their clay snails had survived the kiln.  All good and ready to be glazed and ready for the second firing with the kiln. Also, we had time to create our own wildflower canvas.  Ask the children which new skill they enjoyed?   Using glazes, sponge […]

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