Newsletter: 21st July 2023

Happy Holidays!

This is the last Newsletter of the school year. It’s been an amazing year in many ways: looking back on all of the opportunities the children have had access to and the way their learning has progressed in the classroom brings a smile. Thank you, parents, for all of the support you have given us through the school year: hearing your child read, helping them memorise their tables, getting their uniform and PE kit ready each week, packed lunches, tasty tuck money… the list is long! Without that support, though, our schools wouldn’t be the happy places that they are – so thank you, from all of the staff, for everything that you do.

On Tuesday, of course, we say goodbye to our 33 Year 6 children who move on to their next phase of education. Much more will be said at their Leavers’ Assemblies next week, but we are very, very proud of all of you and everything you’ve brought to our schools – for some of you, over the past eight years! Our schools won’t feel the same next year without you all, but we hope you will look back on your Primary years with happy memories. I hope you’ll keep in touch with us and drop back some times to say hello and tell us how you’re getting on!

We also say good-bye to Miss Orchard and Miss Shorney from Parkham and Buckland schools respectively. Thank you, both of you, for your commitment and hard work for the children in your classes during your time with us: good luck for the future; we will miss you lots.

Colour Run Update

Once again, a huge thank you to everyone who supported Colour Run 2023. It’s been massively successful and has given all three PTAs much needed income for upcoming projects next year.

The profits from the event have now been counted. All profit other than sponsorship has been split three ways between the three schools, giving a payment to each PTA of £464.95. This alone is a great achievement, but by adding on each school’s sponsorship to this amount, each school will receive:


Total Raised:



School Games Awards

Following on from the success of our Sports Days this half term (and well done to Red Leicester Family Group at Parkham for yesterday’s win), I am delighted that we received notification yesterday that all three schools have received their School Games Awards in recognition of the excellent sporting opportunities available to our children.

Buckland Brewer and Parkham schools move up from their previous Bronze Awards to Silver, and Woolsery retain their Gold Award.

The criteria for these awards is very stringent and Mr Davies has had to demonstrate both the offer of sports and PE events, opportunities both in-school and beyond throughout the year, but also the take-up by the children. The PE Curriculum, that we offer in our schools also plays a large part in the process too, of course.

What a lovely way to end the school year!


Just a reminder that all the Buckland Brewer children have their leavers disco on Monday the 24th July. The disco will be during school hours after lunch in the Village Hall. Please could your children come to school in their school uniform, but send them with a party outfit to change into later in the day.

School Lunches

The updated menu is now on the Village Schools website for the Autumn Term. Despite food price rises, we have been able to hold the cost of meals at £2.50 per day. Please remember if your child is moving into Reception next term, they will be eligible for Universal Free School Meals – these are not means tested and available to all. Similarly, if your child is moving from Year 2 to Year 3, they will no longer be eligible for Universal Free School Meals so you will either need to pay for meals via ScoPay or apply for means-tested Free School Meals (the school office will help you with this)



Parkham Leavers’ Assembly  2pm in the Allardice Hall

Buckland Brewer Disco 1:30pm


Woolsery Leavers’ Assembly 9:30am in the Village Hall

Buckland Brewer Leavers’ Assembly 11:30am in the Village Hall

End of Term – School reopens on Monday 4th September

Wednesday Holidays
Thursday Holidays
Friday Holidays

That’s all folks – have a super holiday – good luck to our Year 6s, and we’ll see everyone else back in school on Monday 4th September!


Matt Cole, Headteacher

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