Newsletter: 23rd February 2024

Red Nose Day

Just a reminder that Friday 15th March is Red Nose Day. All three schools will be sharing a Red To Toe theme – children can come into school dressed in as much red as they can (including hair if they wish) in exchange for a donation to Comic Relief. If your child wears one of the official Re dNose Day noses, please make sure it’s named so we can return it to its owner if lost – and also avoid nose-swapping which we’d clearly want to avoid for hygiene reasons. Thanks

World Book Day

World Book Day is on 7th March, which is just under 2 weeks away!

We’re asking everyone to play Guess My Book  in their classes. Please either bring:

  • A favourite book wrapped up, or
  • The title and Author of a book in a sealed envelope


Your child will also need to bring:

  • A prop which represents something to do with the book
  • Three words that might help your class guess the book – for example, “Fox”, “Snake”, “Owl” for The Gruffalo


We will not be dressing up as book characters this year so please don’t rush to the supermarket to but pre-made costumes! Thanks.



FOBBS are also looking for donations of raffle prizes, please. These can be dropped off at school at any time leading up to the Bingo night.

FOBBS are very pleased to say that, thanks to a substantial private donation at December’s Panto Pandemonium, together with a equally large contribution from FOBBS funds which you’ve helped to raise, an order for a new radio microphone set has been placed today. This will give the school four headset radio mics and four handheld radio mics which can be used at events, presentations and productions throughout the year. The total cost of this fabulous addition to the school’s resources (around £500) wouldn’t have been possible without your support – so thank you for everything you do to support the work of FOBBS.


Please remember the all-important Extraordinary General Meeting for FOWS takes place on Tuesday 27th February at 7pm in the school. This is the meeting at which a new committee will (hopefully) be elected and FOWS can resume its fundraising and social activities. Please come along if you can.

Raffle Donations and Cakes needed

Working on the assumption that after the meeting we will have a committee again, FOWS are asking for donations of raffle prizes and cakes for their turn in hosting the refreshments at Woolsery’s pantomime. Please bring in any donations to school on 1st, 4th or 5th March. This is an important fundraiser for the PTA as it tries to get back on track after half a term of being dormant, so please send in something if you can. Thank you.


London Residential

We will be holding parent and child information meetings straight after school on the following days. These meetings are for children who are going on the Year 5 Residential to London at the end of April and contain important information about the trip, so please come along if you can. Thanks

  • Buckland Brewer: Monday 18th March
  • Parkham: Tuesday 19th March
  • Woolsery: Monday 25th March

The meetings usually last about 30 minutes, depending on the number of questions. I will be around after each meeting if there are personal things about the trip you need to discuss. You can attend any of the meetings, regardless of which school your child goes to, and it would be great if they can come along too.

Athlete Visits

As you will have seen in the Upcoming section at the bottom of each Newsletter, Mr Davies has organised visits from professional athletes to inspire our children to enjoy and participate in sport. Unfortunately, the company running the scheme have had to postpone the visits so they will not now take place in March. Mr Davies has been able to rearrange them to coincide with National School Sports Week in June so more news about this will follow after the Easter holidays.

Mr Davies is running a Marathon!

We are very proud that Mr Davies, our Sports and PE Lead, is running a marathon for charity later in the year.

A plea and a challenge


Mr Davies has actually signed up for two marathons this year. The first will be the Brighton Marathon which he will be running for Children’s Hospice South West on April 7th. Then two months later, he will be walking a marathon in South Devon to raise money for the Alzheimer’s Society. If you can, please could you sponsor him using the link below. Thank you.
This week Mr Davies has set a challenge to all the children to run 2.6 miles (a tenth of the distance of the marathon) a week until the Easter holidays to improve everyone’s fitness. This is approximately 20 laps of the playground five days a week. The children have really embraced the challenge already, doing it in their warm ups in PE and then also trying to do more laps at playtime. This has been inspiring to Mr Davies who is now running long distances in the poor weather conditions and in the dark for some of his runs.  Well done to all of you for such a positive start to the challenge.


A New Play Park is Coming to Woolsery!

The Parish Council and a small Play Park Team are thrilled to embark on a new venture that aims to enhance the heart of our community – the creation of a vibrant and engaging play park. The proposed site is on Old Market Drive, on the green opposite the school entrance on the right hand side. To ensure this project reflects the desires of our community members, we need your input.

We kindly ask you, family members, the local community to spare a few minutes of your time to complete the following questionnaire. Please click here to complete it. This will allow us to gather evidence to help achieve the funding that is desperately required for this to go ahead so please pass the link on to ensure we get as big a response as possible!

We’d love children to get involved too so please encourage them to either fill it out separately or with you. After all this is for them!

Additional to this if anyone is able to offer any help, wants to join the team or can offer funding in making this vision a reality please do get in touch or pop your details into the questionnaire.

Thank you for being a part of this exciting journey!

Woolsery Parish Council & Play Park Team


Well done to everyone who has received a Headteacher’s Awards in assembly today! As usual, our awards are given in recognition of achievements relating to our six learning animals which represent for children the qualities needed to be a good learner. They are:


Orleigh: Alfie – (Spider) For thinking carefully and asking questions as he learns to apply ‘grow the code’ phonemes when spelling words; Leo H – (Dolphin) For careful exploration of printmaking, creating his own printing blocks by making impressions in plasticine and printing the image onto paper.

Tythecott: Eleanora (owl) – looking forwards and backwards during our multiplication sequence to feel more confident; Lily (spider) – making links and connections in science whilst creating bar charts.

Gorwood: Aubri – (owl) – for taking care to look forward and back when editing her writing and carefully considering what she needs to do; Wren – (dolphin) – for diving into reading with our class novel and taking time to think about the text when answering questions and joining in with discussions


Foxdown: Harry (bee) – Harry is always super kind and helpful to all of his friends and the adults in Foxdown; Darcey (cat) –  Darcey has enjoyed the story of The Enormous Turnip using adjectives to describe the characters well.

Melbury: Jake (dolphin) – Great enthusiasm and effort when learning how to play a new musical instrument with Mr Hamilton; Ben (Tortoise) – For trying your best to write descriptive sentences which are the best they can possibly be. Great work!

Goldworthy: Ariana (- bee) for being very enthusiastic and contributing well in our science lesson; working well with others during her learning- supporting and guiding her peers; Bronte – (tortoise) for showing resilience when writing and having more confidence in herself to improve and edit her writing.

Sunflowers:  Freddie (owl) – for understanding how many sides a circle and semi-circle have; Olivia (tortoise) – for terrific letter formation when writing her name.

Cranford:  Mollie (dolphin) – for diving into your writing this week. A great tick list of what we need for our story ‘whatever next!’; Aubree (tortoise) –  for not giving up with your reading. Great sounding out when reading on your own.

Burscott: JJ – (tortoise) – for persevering to learn his tricky words – well done!; Bea (bee) – for always listening and setting a good example to all her friends in class

Stroxworthy: Logan (tortoise) – for being resilient like a tortoise and working hard to produce a landscape of the Rocky mountains out of lego; Elsie (bee) – for working together like a bee when creating a drawing reflecting the landscape of Dartmoor.

Alminstone: Riley (tortoise) – for a huge effort in his learning this week – persevering to get tasks finished and taking care with presentation. Fantastic; Hunter (tortoise) – making a massive effort with reading, both at school and at home. This having a real impact, Hunter – keep it up!

Ashmansworthy: Alfie (dolphin) – for responding thoughtfully to feedback about varying sentence structures and producing some excellent narrative writing; Isabella for engaging in all learning with enthusiasm, commitment and positivity (dolphin)

  • 7th March – World Book Day
  • 11th March – Professional Athlete visit at Woolsery and Parkham – postponed to June
  • 12th March – Professional Athlete visit at Buckland Brewer – postponed to June
  • 15th March – Red Nose Day: Red To Toe
  • 18th March – London Residential Meeting – Buckland Brewer
  • 19th March – London Residential Meeting – Parkham
  • 18th – 20th March – Pixies Holt Residential (Year 4)
  • 21st March – Lots of Socks Day for Downs Syndrome
  • 21st March – Interviews for SENDCO and Class Teacher post
  • 25th March – London Residential Meeting – Woolsery
  • 26th – 27th March – National Marine Aquarium Residential (Year 3)
  • 28th March: Last Day of Term
  • 15th April: First Day of Summer Term


Monday 19th February Miss McCann out all day – Mrs D Bird covering Foxdown Class
Tuesday Football Matches Vs Hartland (at Woolsery) after school – Y6 Boys and Y5/6 Girls
Wednesday Stroxworthy Class (half) at Appledore Art (am)

Y5/6 Swimming – Gorwood Class

Really Wild Learning visiting Woolsery Primary



Y5/6 Swimming – Alminstone Class

Northam Care Trust working with children at Buckland Brewer (forest school/ gardening)

Mr Cole’s planned schedule

Monday all day
Tuesday all day
Wednesday afternoon morning (art)
Thursday all day
Friday morning afternoon afternoon

With best wishes,


Matt Cole, Headteacher


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