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Tennis in Burscott

We have enjoyed our first two sessions of Tennis with the ARC coaches. They have both commented on the good listening and behaviour in the sessions. Well done everyone!

Visitors in Burscott

This morning JJ brought in some new arrivals to meet us. They were very sweet and the children enjoyed their company.

Gym tests in Burscott!

Burscott World Book Day

Lego Man!

Burscott Class had  a great morning with Nick from Stemgineering on Monday, which we then followed up in class in the afternoon. We worked brilliantly together to produce habitats and animals linked to our Geography work an Hot and Cold Places.

Beech family group treat

Beech family group were this half term’s winners and our treat was cookies and cartoons. Everyone loved Tom and Jerry!!

Safer Internet Day

In Burscott class we talked about all the ways that we use the internet (photo) We then watched some videos and talked about how to be safe online. Here are some of our ideas: ”You need to tell an adult or teacher if a video is scary. You need to turn off or walk away.” […]

Carols Around the Tree

Woolsery Christmas Dinner

Burscott Christmas Party

Lots of fun playing musical games, sharing party food and playing with balloons. A good time had by all! Merry Christmas everyone.

Polar Express open morning

Thank you to all those able to pop in this morning to have a look at the children’s work and enjoy a hot chocolate or cookie. The children loved it! Thanks for your support this term and a very Merry Christmas to you all.

Art in Burscott

Gymnastics – balancing

Welcome back to Burscott Class

We have had a very busy first week back. The children have settled well as  a new class and we have jumped straight into our learning.

Burscott Class visit Clovelly in the mist!

As part of this term’s work looking at the history of transport in the local area we were lucky enough to be able to take a short boat trip out of Clovelly on Jim Dickson’s fishing boat.  Visibility wasn’t too good but the children loved it. We did some crabbing, pebble painting and ice cream […]

George’s Marvellous Medicine!

We followed the instructions to make potions today, as part of our work related to Instruction Writing and Roald Dahl’s George’s Marvellous Medicine. Great fun was had by all!

Cricket festival at Westward Ho!

We had a great time this morning at the cricket festival. And we didn’t get wet!!!

Learning and Remembering Text

We started looking at our new text this week and began by learning and reciting some parts from it.

Burscott and Cranford at the beach – part 2!

Clovelly – the journey back!

A resilient walk back up!

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