World Cup Fever

A new disease is doing the rounds and all of Class 3 are infected with it. It is World Cup Fever.

To celebrate the start of the World Cup, Class 3 randomly chose a country to follow. We researched and made flags for our country. As the weeks go by we will be filling in a world cup chart to follow the progress of our teams too.


13 responses on World Cup Fever

  1. Is that a Honduran flag I spy in the bottom left hand corner? I lived there for a year: beautiful country with super friendly people and delicious food! My family there are very involved in soccer. Let me know if you have any questions… If I can’t help you I know the right people to ask

    1. Thank you very much for your offer to help. Now England are departing from the World Cup, the children have been fascinated with how people in England have decorated their cars, homes and selves with the George Cross. Is there anything the Hondurans do like this?

  2. Sounds fantastic class 3 – i am doing the same at home and Isla has Chile (she doesn’t know yet!) and James has Costa Rica

  3. Class 3 have lots of fun doing this project it looks like you are already making a good start.

  4. Love this idea for following the World Cup! Looks like one of the students might have been given Australia to follow?

    I’m from Australia. Would they like to ask me any questions about Australia to learn more about our Country?


    Sue Waters
    Support Manager
    Edublogs | CampusPress

    1. Thank you very much for your offer to help. Now England are departing from the World Cup, the children have been fascinated with how people in England have decorated their cars, homes and selves with the George Cross. Is there anything the Australians do like this?

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