Archive | Stroxworthy Class

Indoor Athletics

All of the Village Schools joined together this morning for an indoor athletics competition at Atlantic Academy. The children were split into seven teams and took part in 7 field events and ended with a team relay race. The seven field events were the vertical jump, weighted ball throw, standing long jump, speed bounce, standing […]

Stroxworthy Forest School

On Thursday we had another fantastic session in our Forest School area. We explored the mud kitchen area, made clay pots and went bug hunting (for our science topic Living Things and Habitats).

Stroxworthy Forest School

Today was a very wet and windy forest school but we had so much fun. We did identifying leaves in the school field, making clay leaf pots and starting to make our shields which is linked to our Anglo Saxon topic. We also had some time to do our usual activities like playing in the […]

Stroxworthy – Story reading

Today the children went to read their adaptation of a traditional tale to either Burscott or Cranford Class. They did very well and they should be very proud of their efforts.  

Stroxworthy Tennis

Today we had a final tennis session with Julie from ARC Tennis. We concentrated on accuracy and embedding all of our skills we have learned.

Stroxworthy Tennis

Stroxworthy Author Visit.

We had a visitor today from Appledore Book Festival,, the author John Dougherty. We heard all about his writing, his books and poems. He read lots of lovely stories and poems to the class, he also sung us a very funny song about needing a wee! xworthy

Stroxworthy Tennis

Today’s tennis lesson was all about accuracy, throwing and catching and then with using a racket. The whole class worked brilliantly in teams.  To

Art Day – Stroxworthy

Today was our wonderful art day. We have created a fantastic display based around the quote ‘Why fit in when you were born to stand out’, you can see it on our classroom door (back). We have also contributed to the whole school community art project. We finished our day by decorating butterflies which will […]

Stroxworthy Tennis with Julie.

Since the start of term we have had some wonderful training with Julie from ARC tennis centre. We concentrated during our first week on throwing and controlling the ball. Then we tried hitting and catching over the net. Our second week we practised various ball skills, finishing the session with a tricky game of rolling […]

Stroxworthy Science

This week we have started our new topic investigating ‘What is light?’. Today we tried to answer the question carrying out different experiments. Using an upturned card board box with items underneath, we made some holes and then looked in the box to see what we could see. We then added more and more holes […]

Stroxworthy Forest School

Friday was our final forest school of this term and we were reflecting on the time we have spent in the lovely forest school area. Following some games we played together, we went on and had fun creating our own games, making dens, crafts with Kate and then had yummy snacks around the fire. We […]

Stroxworthy SCARF

On Monday we discussed some of the different talents and skills that people have and how skills are developed. We then made a medal to show someone how wonderful they are.

Stroxworthy and Alminstone trip to the Burrows

Today both Stroxworthy and Alminstone have had great day learning at the Northam Burrows. After sheltering from the storm, looking around the information centre, we went on a coastal walk to learn about coastal features. This was followed by mini missions exploring the Burrows for different flowers and creatures. After lunch we did a beach […]

Stroxworthy Science Week finished boards.

Stroxworthy Forest School

This afternoon Stroxworthy had a lovely afternoon in the Forest School area exploring with clay, playing in the mud kitchen, deconstructing some pallets, den building and planting.

Stroxworthy Art

This morning we spent some time on the field to start our field sketching. We imagined a frame using our hands and then begun to sketch using our skills we have learned. Thank you to Mrs Coles for her instruction and expertise.

Scarf – Stroxworthy

This morning we discussed ‘Children should not be allowed computers, tablets or phones before bed?’

Stroxworthy 1st July trip to Burford Woods

Well what a fantastic day we had. From building dens to playing in the mud, from making crafts to eating fruit kebabs, from swinging on a swing, climbing trees to drinking hot chocolate. The children had so much fun they were rather worn out in the end.  

Stroxworthy Forest School

Today we did clove hitch, timber hitch and reef knot. We made God’s eyes with sticks and wool weaving, mud kitchen which they were excited about as we were unable to do this last week because of the heat! 

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