Coastal identification at Clovelly

This week was all about exploring the coastline and identifying Fauna and Flora at Clovelly. The children loved finding all the different types of habitats and different types of seaweed down there. They couldn’t belive the difference when the tide was in and how far it can come up.

Coastal session 2

This week’s session down at Clovelly Harbour was all about exploring the coastline and identifying Fauna and Flora. The children were so amazed at how many types of seaweed there is. They found the terrain tough but were absolutely amazing and just showed how determined and resilient they were when walking the cobbles and the […]

Coastal school session 1

                                   Gorwood had a great time exploring Clovelly harbour in our very first coastal school session. We learnt how to a rip current works and how we can get out of one and back to shire or how we would just […]

Coastal school sessions

Melbury have had a great couple of sessions of coastal school down at Clovelly Harbour. Last week they explored the beach area and we discussed how to stay safe in the sea and what rip currents were and how to get out of one. We then discussed tides and how the lunar cycle changes when […]

Newsletter: 17th January 2025

Music Lessons Just a reminder that we offer small-group and individual music lessons in school time in all our schools. Our Peripatetic teachers offer a wide range of instruments, from piano and keyboard to cornet and trumpet (Drumming will return too after Laura’s maternity leave!) If you would like to know more about buying some […]

Science Gingerbread man

Today we were looking at,touching smelling and tasting ginger. We decided it looked like a log, it had a funny smell and some of us liked the taste and said”it’s yummy” some of us didn’t like it and said” it’s yucky”

Appledore Art part 4

Tythecott class had our final session at Appledore Art this morning. We painted our heart spiral designs ready for firing.  We then started our final part of our collage. We cut our tiger head out an placed it on our blue backgrounds and began to create different leaf shapes and sizes from our textured green […]

Run Run as Fast as You Can

In continuous provision this week we have enjoyed more Gingerbread Man themed activities:-

Sports festival at ARC

Today, we went to the Atlantic Racquet Centre with other schools to take part in a multi sports festival. We took part in a range of sports including hockey, handball, dodgeball, ultimate frisbee, 5 bats cricket along with tag and an agility fitness challenge. It was great fun and gave us the opportunity to play […]

Clovelly coastal School

We had so much fun learning about rip currents and how tides are moved by the moon. The chikdren explored the sand and cobbles to see what they could find.

HELP! The gingerbread fell in the water

We investigated what would happen if the gingerbread men fell into a river! We found out that if the gingerbread men fell into warm water, they would get really soggy! But if they fell into cold water they would only get a little bit soggy. We put the gingerbread men into 2 dishes of hot […]

Blue Planet Launch Day

We had a great time exploring the properties of water in preparation for our new geography topic of Our Blue Planet.

Scarf People who help and look after us

Today we heard a story about our feelings and how we feel,Happy,sad,angry calm and excited. We then talked about people who keep us safe and look after us.

Newsletter: 10th January 2025

Welcome Back It’s been lovely to see the children back in class this week and hear about their Christmas break. I hope you all have a great time together! If this is your first term at Village Schools Partnership, welcome! – we are very pleased to welcome you to our schools. We have a busy […]

Marvellous mirrors

Tythecott completed their final part of their science focusing on Light & Dark with investigating mirrors.  They had fun writing secret messages to each other using mirrors and solving the puzzles.  Then we went on a mirror maze with mirrors.  Ask the children what they discovered……

Part 3 Appledore Art

Tythecott class experienced their 3rd part to Appledore Art.  We are going to create a piece of artwork with mixed media.   We started with covering large pieces of paper with different shades of green with different objects to create a variety of textures, including our hands!  We then created a very scary tiger face using […]

Clovelly RNLI visit to the station.

This week the first group from Alminstone were lucky to be able to visit the RNLI station at Clovelly. They were given a tour and had a great discussion about how to stay safe in the water. They were amazing at asking really interesting questions. We then had some free time to explore the little […]

First Coastal School Session!!!

Well, what an amazing start to the term. The first group from Ashmansworthy were awesome. They were so engaged in the discussion about rip currents and how the tide is moved by the moon. They then had some free time to explore the harbour where they did some stacking and found a lot of dead […]

Gingerbread man

Today we made gingerbread men, we all took turns weighing out the ingredients then rolling, cutting and putting them on the tray ready to bake. After we put them in the oven we went to play and when we got back they had all run away!

The Gingerbread Man in Continuous Provision

We have enjoyed lots of Gingerbread Man themed activities in continuous provision. We used our scissor skills to make a gingerbread man.

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